Hundertwasser Haus

Vienna is home to many artists, however my favorite is Friedensreich Hundertwasser and his house built to be in harmony with nature. This house has 50 different living quarters of different shapes and sizes some with gardens and each with is own unique design inside and out. Hundertwasser built the house from 1979 to 1985 and demanded that the lease contain a "window right" which meant that each dweller has the "right to lean out of his window and to transform everything on the outside wall." There are no straight lines or uniform structures, even the floors and walls undulate to simulate a nature trail. There are tile mosaics throughout the building and the terraces and roof are covered in trees and other plants. We sat in a coffee shop and watched a short video where Friedensreich explains how his design incorporates nature and lifts the human spirit with it's beauty. He must have done something right because now people come from all over the world to see his design.

Just imagine how beautiful our cities would be if more architects built beautiful and uplifting homes like this one.