In Frederiksberg Have, on the West side of Copenhagen, sits a huge public park with nice walking paths, canals, lots of birds, and... elephants. One of the people we met in Copenhagen recommended we check out Frederiksberg Have which borders the Copenhagen Zoo. We took a trail that led through some tall trees on the outside of a winding canal and when we turned a corner there they were, elephants playing just a few meters away. The elephant swimming pool was right next to the trail and we had a great view as they splashed and played in the water. Then the baby elephant started running around and rolling in the mud. The rest of the family dug holes and threw mud on their backs for their own mud spa treatments. As we watched people walked by with their dogs and one cute little pit bull stopped to watch with us before running off to catch up with it's human. We enjoyed watching them have fun till the keepers brought lunch and the elephants moved to the other side of the enclosure.